Thursday, January 5, 2012


Sick again, Feeling bad as before or worse. Stool is just water with small particles and i feel the need to vomit. The idea of food makes me want to vomit more. After the first few hours of water loss the scales show only 1 kilo of weight loss... Felt like more.

Trying to keep fluids up again, i'm going to avoid hospital this time. In fear the doctor might try to sell me shares in a non-existent holiday condo in Kazakhstan...

Last time i had pizza the night before and this time i had pizza the night before. My tummy is bloated yet empty and sore as hell just like before. Maybe partly from the cheese? Back home i put cheese on everything but in this case maybe the virus is making use of the chance to slow my digestive system? Also noting the first was after Greenwich pizza and the second after pizza hut. I like my pizza ^_^