Sunday, January 15, 2012

The magic earth cable. 2pin to 3 pin 220v

Devices often use an earth pin for safety and interference reasons but many houses only have the 2 pin power connection. No trouble! This type of cable is available in your local grocery store! Very illegal in some country but very handy in the Philippines ;)

old RG59 tv coax used to bridge a 220volt 40AMP circuit breaker!

If you had the choice of using a piece of fig8 power lead from an extension cable or an old piece of tv cable, what one would you use to bridge the terminals of a faulty house circuit breaker. The cable was rated at 220v 8Amps and the coax is well not rated for any real current at all... It's for signal and maybe a small amount of current to power a masthead amp (milliamperes). 

The centre core is very fine compared to most other tv or radio coax let alone a cable used for power. 

The outer-diameter is larger than the other cables due to insulation and an outer shield of foil and even finer wire.

This seems a little odd to me lucky this guy was an engineer!

After feeling the cable get warm i replaced it with the available power cable. Why things couldn't wait until the next day is the fridge full of food and the power was already out all day.

I replaced the circuit breaker the following day, yes its dangerous working with live power. It does hurt but does not kill as often as you think, you much more likely to be hit by a car while walking. In this case the house might have burned down, risking the life's of my family... Yea leave it to the experts! Let them kill you!

Pacific Ocean located between North and South America

Ability to read maps isn't a requirement for people to write school science books.