Thursday, December 22, 2011

Science and Medicine

Being a hospital i naturally get the feeling "leave it to the experts they will work it out" so in a way relax thinking they will find the correct solution and apply it the safest manor.

But.. Here comes the nurse and informs me this is the medication i must take

  1. An expensive berry juice with a label "no proven medical benefits"
  2. and a tablet from a bottle also with the label "no proven medical benefits"
I'm sure the "no proven medical benefits" part is not a selling tactic.

The only type of pain killer i have the choice of can only be given every 8 hours and seems to only work for 3-4hours. Asking about other options well not really, give me half then another half of that i can have after 4 hours to try and spread it out can't do that.. I'm starting to think i'm in a bad movie only to see the nurse push an air bubble into my iv line when she gives the pain killer. 

Not taking any notice i kink the hose and point out the 2inch air lock just about to enter my hand. She promptly unkinks the hose and gives it a flick "that's fine" i guess she knows best.

Carefully watching as they replace my iv fluid another air bubble travels down the iv line and i ask again "is that ok?" and she reply "that's normal".

A little bit alarmed thinking i haven't been watching every time they touch the line no doubt i'm gonna start ballooning with all this air entering my veins? A quick jump on google gives me some data on how much air it takes to kill a person... those bubbles in the IV line are not very much i suppose.

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